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combinative analysis中文是什么意思

用"combinative analysis"造句"combinative analysis"怎么读"combinative analysis" in a sentence


  • 组合分析


  • According to the analysis of reviewing the history and status quo of development of internal seed industry , the course of international seed industry , this article analyses the inner and outer environment of china seed industry ( especially sichuan nongda high - tech agriculture co . , ltd . ) and puts forward the suggestions of developing tactic objective , operation system and commitment by practicing certain tactic theory , using the combinative analysis of classification and ration , wielding the tactic analysis tool such as pest analysis , value chain analysis , swot analysis ,
    本文通过对国内种业发展的历史回顾、发展现状及国际种业发展历程的分析,应用有关的战略理论基础,采取定性与定量分析相结合的方法,运用pest分析、价值链分析、 swot分析、 efe矩阵、 ife矩阵、 kt决策法等战略分析工具,对中国种业,特别是四川农大高科农业有限责任公司(简称川农高科)的内外部环境进行了全面、系统的分析,提出了发展战略目标、运作体系及实施建议。
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